Long-term contract for gas supplies to Greece signed with Mytilineos

June 1, 2020, 15:35 Gazprom Export, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom, and Greece’s Mytilineos S.A. entered into a long-term contract for natural gas supplies. The document was signed by Elena Burmistrova, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and Director General of Gazprom Export, and Evangelos Mytilineos, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Mytilineos S.A. The contract provides for gas supplies to Greece…

Severstal cotiues focus o automatio with secod ivestmet i advaced composite solutios developer, Airbore

June 1, 2020 PAO Severstal (MICEX-RTS: CHMF; LSE: SVST), one of the world’s largest vertically integrated steel and mining companies, announces that it has led a second tranche of investment into Dutch company Airborne, a global leader in developing digital automation platforms for the production of composite parts, and products with integrated composites. The total…

Gas supplied to boiler house in Bolshoy Kamen PDA for start-up and commissioning purposes

News from projects and regions May 29, 2020, 10:00 Specialists of the Primorskoye Production and Operation Unit of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Far East have successfully fed natural gas into a boiler house located in the Bolshoy Kamen PDA for the purposes of start-up and commissioning. The boiler house will provide heat to the Shestoy, Parkovy and Sadovy microdistricts of the local shipbuilding center…

Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk renders assistance to healthcare institutions in Yamal and Yakutia

Background Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom, develops seven fields, including four gas fields, two gas and condensate fields, and one oil, gas and condensate field. The company’s facilities, among them three gas production sites and three gas production directorates, are located in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, Kamchatka, and Yakutia. Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk takes part in the state-run Eastern…

Progress of Amur GPP construction project reaches 61.9 per cent

May 28, 2020, 13:55 Start-up and commissioning underway at first two production trains. Navigation campaign launched for large equipment deliveries. The Gazprom Management Committee took note of the information about the status of the Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP) construction project. The GPP is one of the largest infrastructure projects of the Company in Russia’s Far East. The plant will process multi-component natural gas received via…

Rosenergoatom has acquired new competencies at the wind power market

AO ‘Atomtekhenergo’ (an affiliate of the Rosenergoatom Joint-Stock Company) has completed their flagship facility commissioning service delivery at the largest wind power plant in Russia, the Adyghe WPP located on the border of the Shovgenovskiy and Giaginskiy districts in the Adyghe Republic.  In the context of inter-divisional cooperation between AO ‘Atomtekhenergo’ (ATE) and AO ‘VetroOGK’…

Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg helps Novy Urengoy Central City Hospital

Background Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom. It operates in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area. The company is focused on gas and gas condensate production. Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg holds licenses for the development and production of hydrocarbons from the Yamburgskoye and Zapolyarnoye fields and is preparing for commercial production the Severo-Kamennomyssky, Kamennomysskoye-Sea, Obsky, Chugoryakhinsky, Tazovsko-Zapolyarny and Yuzhno-Parusovy subsurface areas, and, as part of joint ventures, the Parusovy,…

ROSATOM: world’s only floating nuclear power plant enters full commercial exploitation

May 22, 2020 – One-of-a-kind floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) “Akademic Lomonosov” has been fully commissioned in Pevek, Chukotka region in the Russian Far East. Andrei Petrov, Director of Rosenergoatom (Electric Energy Division of ROSATOM), the subsidiary responsible for the FNPP project implementation, signed the relevant decree. “Today we can consider the floating nuclear power…

Changeover of shift workers at Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy

News from projects and regions May 21, 2020, 20:30 From May 21 to 23, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy is conducting a phased changeover of shift personnel for the first time since the introduction of a 90-day shift period aimed at preventing cases of coronavirus at the company’s production facilities. Today, the first group of workers arrived in Novy Urengoy by a charter flight. The workers will take over the…

Dividends of RUB 15.24 per share recommended by Board of Directors for 2019

May 21, 2020, 19:10 The Gazprom Board of Directors addressed issues associated with arranging and holding the Company’s annual General Shareholders Meeting. At the meeting of the Board of Directors, it was resolved to hold the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom in the form of absentee voting and to set the deadline for ballot submission as June 26, 2020. The Meeting quorum and the voting results will be determined…

Valery Guryanov put in charge of Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

May 21, 2020, 19:00 Valery Guryanov has been appointed Director General of Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Valery Guryanov was born in 1974. He graduated from Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician Korolyov, majoring in Metal Treatment under Pressure, and received a degree in Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation from Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. He has an MBA degree.…

Gazprom Pererabotka provides financial assistance to nine hospitals for combating coronavirus

Background Gazprom Pererabotka, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom, is focused on transmission and processing of hydrocarbons. The company comprises five processing plants, a helium plant, and a liquid hydrocarbon transportation directorate. Gazprom Pererabotka owns a stake in Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat, which encompasses major industrial refining complexes, such as the Monomer refining, gas chemical and petrochemical plant, and also in Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk, which is the investor and customer for the Amur…

Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk conducting first changeover of shift personnel under new rules

Background Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom, develops seven fields, including four gas fields, two gas and condensate fields, and one oil, gas and condensate field. The company’s facilities, among them three gas production sites and three gas production directorates, are located in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, Kamchatka, and Yakutia. Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk takes part in the state-run Eastern…

Project for natural gas processing and liquefaction complex near Ust-Luga moving forward

May 14, 2020, 17:45 Basic design solutions are agreed upon, and design documentation is being drawn up. Engineering surveys are completed at construction site; site clearing is in progress. Project financing is being arranged. The Gazprom Management Committee took note of the information about the status of the project for the creation of an integrated complex for natural gas processing and liquefaction in the Leningrad Region (the…

Around RUB 5 million in personal funds collected by employees of parent company of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group for St. Petersburg’s Hospital for Veterans of Wars

Background The Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group is comprehensively responding to the current situation regarding the spread of the new coronavirus in the Russian Federation. For instance, employees of Saratovgaz and Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Saratov Region donated the collected funds for the construction of a new infectious diseases center in Saratov. The future center will have 400 beds, including 250 beds for children and 150 beds…

Enhanced safety measures to be imposed during changeovers of shift workers at Gazprom Transgaz Surgut

News from projects and regions May 8, 2020, 15:10 Enhanced safety measures for the changeovers of shift personnel have been introduced at Gazprom Transgaz Surgut. Before arriving at production facilities, new shift workers will spend two weeks in isolation. To this end, 13 buffer zones with 644 beds were created in the local hostels and hotels. The quarantine measure is aimed at preventing persons…

Gazprom gives name of 75 Years of Victory to new large field on Yamal shelf

Background In 2019, Gazprom drilled prospecting and appraisal well No. 1 within the Skuratovskaya prospect in the Kara Sea, which had been discovered earlier through seismic exploration. In the course of well testing, commercial gas inflow of 746,000 cubic meters per day was obtained. Based on well construction results, a hydrocarbon reserves estimate was promptly prepared. In March 2020, the relevant report was submitted…

Medical Unit of Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan gets converted into infectious diseases hospital

Background Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan is a subsidiary of Gazprom focused on prospecting, exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields. The Levoberezhnaya part of the Astrakhanskoye gas and condensate field with an area of 1,360 square kilometers has been in operation since 1986. The field produces formation fluid with a high content of sulfur (25 per cent) and carbon dioxide (15 per cent). The company has around 300 wells of various use, hundreds…

Gazprom donates 200,000 protective suits for St. Petersburg doctors

May 3, 2020, 18:10 Gazprom today donated to the Government of St. Petersburg 200,000 biological protection suits purchased for the doctors who are fighting against the spread of the new coronavirus. [embedded content] The suits were manufactured in China, where they demonstrated their effectiveness during contacts with COVID-19 carriers, and comply with the St. Petersburg Healthcare Committee’s requirements for…

Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg financing development of COVID-19 drug

Background Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom, is engaged in natural gas transmission in nine regions of northwestern Russia, as well as natural gas transit to the CIS and Europe. The company operates over 10,000 kilometers of gas trunklines, transporting more than 137 billion cubic meters of gas every year. The company’s production capacities are comprised of 32 compressor stations, 192 gas compressor units, and 241 gas distribution stations. Gazprom Transgaz…

Members of Gazprom Management Committee donate personal funds to fight spread of coronavirus

April 30, 2020, 14:00 The Gazprom Management Committee held a meeting. The Members of the Management Committee resolved to make a donation in the amount of their respective monthly salaries in order to help fight the spread of the new coronavirus. The funds were donated to the Botkin Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, a state budgetary healthcare institution in St. Petersburg. Information Directorate, Gazprom Related news

Gazprom’s financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the year ended December 31, 2019

April 29, 2020, 10:00 IFRS results 2019 Today PJSC Gazprom issued its audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards for the year ended December 31, 2019. The table below presents the consolidated statement of comprehensive income prepared in accordance with IFRS for the years ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018. All amounts…

Gazprom Transgaz Surgut strengthens disinfection efforts for motor vehicles

News from projects and regions April 28, 2020, 14:10 Gazprom Transgaz Surgut has introduced stronger disinfection measures for motor vehicles so as to more effectively prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Throughout all branches of the company, about 280 motor vehicles go on their routes every day to bring shift staff to their workplaces, carry cargoes, and haul waste. An additional sanitation procedure has been…

Gas in perspective. Oleg Aksyutin talks to Gazprom Magazine

Let us proceed from reality. Considering the current state of the art in engineering and technology, a complete phase-out of hydrocarbon fuel seems more like a matter of imagination in the foreseeable future. A shift to zero-carbon technologies implies a large-scale electrification (in some scenarios, 100-per cent electrification) with the use of renewable energy sources (RES). The development of RES is not possible without large power storage capacities, nor is it possible…

Severstal reports Q1 2020 fiacial results

April 24, 2020 PAO Severstal (MICEX-RTS: CHMF; LSE: SVST), one of the world’s leading steel and steel-related mining companies, today announces its Q1 2020 financial results for the period ended 31 March 2020. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE FIRST QUARTER ENDED 31 MARCH 2020 Notes: EBITDA represents profit from operations plus depreciation and amortisation of…

Leader project: Аtomflot and shipbuilder Zvezda sign nuclear icebreaker construction contract

Murmansk/Vladivostok, 23 April 2020 – On April 23, Rosatom subsidiary FSUE Atomflot and shipbuilder Zvezda LLC remotely signed a contract on the construction of the nuclear icebreaker Leader (project 10510); the parties were respectively located in Murmansk and Vladivostok. The document was signed by FSUE Atomflot general director Mustafa Kashka and Zvezda LLC general director…

The Board Recommeds Q1 2020 Divided Paymet, chages the form of the AGM ad approves the Ageda for the AGM

April 23, 2020 The Board of Directors of Severstal (“Severstal”, “the Company”) (LSE: SVST; MICEX-RTS: CHMF), one of the world’s leading vertically integrated steel and steel-related mining companies, is recommending a dividendof 27.35 roubles per share for the three months ended 31 March 2020. Approval of the dividend is expected at the Company’s AGM which…

Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan helps new hospital

Background Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan is a subsidiary of Gazprom focused on prospecting, exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields. The Levoberezhnaya part of the Astrakhanskoye gas and condensate field with an area of 1,360 square kilometers has been in operation since 1986. The field produces formation fluid with a high content of sulfur (25 per cent) and carbon dioxide (15 per cent). The company has around 300 wells of various use, hundreds…

Gazprom commencing preparations for 2020–2021 autumn/winter period

April 15, 2020, 16:45 The Gazprom Management Committee reviewed the operating results of the Company’s subsidiaries and organizations over the 2019–2020 autumn/winter period and discussed the measures to be taken for ensuring uninterrupted gas supplies to consumers in the upcoming 2020–2021 autumn/winter period. Gazprom fulfilled all of its obligations for providing domestic and foreign consumers with reliable gas supplies in the past winter, which…

Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk donates funds to purchase intensive care equipment for hospital in Tomsk

News from projects and regions April 15, 2020, 16:40 Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk has donated almost RUB 3.5 million to purchase medical equipment for Tomsk City Hospital No. 3. The funds have been used for the re-equipment of the intensive care unit and the critical care ward of the hospital. “We have long wanted to purchase state-of-the-art equipment for dosed supply of medications, as this…

The large-scale tests of the reactor plant have been completed at start-up power unit No.1 of Belarus NPP

April 15, 2020 – The important and large-scale stage of the nuclear facility preparation program  for commissioning – hot run testing of the reactor plant (RP) – was successfully completed at the first power unit of Belarus NPP (the General Designer and the General Contractor – ROSATOM Engineering Division). During the hot run being held from…

Management Committee proposes dividend amount of RUB 15.24 per share for 2019

Background The decisions on the profit distribution and dividend payout, dividend size, payout method and dates, as well as the date on which the list of persons entitled to receive dividends is drawn up, will be made by the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom as recommended by the Board of Directors. In December 2019, the Gazprom Board of Directors approved the new revision of the Company’s Dividend Policy. The target level of dividend payouts…

ROSATOM facility awarded to design the new Russian megascience installation that would be used for anti-virus research

The Central Design and Technological Institute, an enterprise of ROSATOM’s TVEL Fuel Company, has signed the government awarded contract for design of the Center of Common Use – the Siberian Circular Photon Source (the SKIF project). SKIF, a megascience class project, refers to the latest generation of synchrotron radiation sources 4+ with an energy of…

Maximum daily deliverability of Russian UGS facilities to exceed 1 billion cubic meters

April 10, 2020, 14:55 Construction of UGS facility in Kurgan Region slated to start in near future. Exploration underway for construction of new UGS facilities in three federal districts. The Gazprom Management Committee took note of the information about the program for underground gas storage (UGS) facility development in Russia for 2020–2030. It was highlighted that the Company ensures a high level of reliability of its gas supplies to consumers. Consistent increases…

Gazprom carrying on with major investment projects

April 10, 2020, 14:25 The Gazprom Management Committee took note of the information about the status of the Company’s major investment projects. Within the Eastern Gas Program, Gazprom continues to ramp up its production and gas transmission capacities. At the Chayandinskoye field in Yakutia, the Company is setting up the facilities required to bring the field to its design annual output of 25 billion cubic meters of gas. Specifically, efforts are underway to expand the…

Management Committee proposing to hold annual General Shareholders Meeting via absentee voting

April 10, 2020, 13:50 The Gazprom Management Committee addressed issues associated with arranging and holding the Company’s annual General Shareholders Meeting. The Management Committee endorsed the proposals to hold the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom in the form of absentee voting and to set the deadline for ballot submission as June 26, 2020. In addition, the Management Committee approved the proposals on: the format…

Ganz EEG supplied 3 hydroturbines to Russia

On April 3th 2020 Ganz EEG Kft (Russian-Hungarian joint venture, subsidiary of mechanical engineering division of ROSATOM – “Atomenergomash”) has supplied 3 horizontal shaft Kaplan-type turbines with a performance of 1,825 MW each, ordered by the Russian RusHydro company. The turbines are going to be installed at a small hydropower plant in Stavropol Krai, Russia.…

Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan provides help to its region of operation

Background Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan is a subsidiary of Gazprom focused on prospecting, exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields. The Levoberezhnaya part of the Astrakhanskoye gas and condensate field with an area of 1,360 square kilometers has been in operation since 1986. The field produces formation fluid with a high content of sulfur (25 per cent) and carbon dioxide (15 per cent). The company has around 300 wells of various use, hundreds…

ROSATOM arranged the return of 178 employees from construction site of Rooppur NPP (Bangladesh) to Russia

Communications Department of ROSATOM:   “When our employees find themselves abroad in this difficult situation and want to return to their homeland, we will accommodate their needs. On 6 April, with the permission of Russia’s government, we were able to organise the first such flight to transfer 178 [employees] who have expressed the desire [to…

ROSATOM facility inks long-term contract for supply of nuclear fuel components to ETRR-2 reactor in Egypt

Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP), an enterprise of ROSATOM’s TVEL Fuel Company, and the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority have signed 10-years term contract for supply of low-enriched nuclear fuel components, such as uranium and aluminum items, for ETRR-2 research reactor. ETRR-2, a research reactor of Argentinian design, is based at the Nuclear Research Center in…

Gazprom continuing consistent work on import substitution

March 27, 2020, 18:50 The Gazprom Management Committee took note of the information about the progress achieved in terms of import substitution efforts in 2019, as well as about the measures to facilitate the integration of domestically-manufactured equipment and technologies in the production operations of the Gazprom Group. It was highlighted that the intensive work in this sphere in conjunction with Russia’s science and technology complex is aimed at reinforcing the technological…

Gazprom increases domestic sales of natural gas as vehicle fuel by 30 per cent in 2019

March 27, 2020, 18:45 The Gazprom Management Committee held a meeting in absentia. The Management Committee took note of the information about the Company’s ongoing efforts for the development of the NGV market in the Russian Federation. It was highlighted that the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel helps substantially reduce transport costs and environmental impacts. The sales of natural gas via Gazprom’s refueling facilities continue to grow, demonstrating…

Gazprom instructed to proceed to pre-investment phase in Power of Siberia 2 project

Message to the Media March 27, 2020, 17:15 A working meeting took place today between Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, and Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee. Alexey Miller briefed Vladimir Putin on the ongoing activities in the autumn/winter period, the Company’s main accomplishments in 2019 and its plans for 2020. Particular attention was paid to the potential for enhancing gas…

ROSATOM wins tender for neutron-flux monitoring equipment modernization at Kozloduy NPP units 5 and 6

Rusatom Service JSC (electric power division of ROSATOM) and Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria) signed a contract on neutron-flux monitoring equipment modernization for units 5 and 6 of the plant. This contract was concluded, based on the results of a public tender, which was announced in September, 2019. Neutron-flux monitoring equipment plays an essential role in ensuring…

CNIITMASH and Bureau Veritas are Starting Personnel and Welding Technology Certifica-tion According to European Norms in Russia

CNIITMASH JSC (belonging within JSC Atomenergomash, a machine-building division of ROSATOM) became the first in Russia official partner of Bureau Veritas Exploitation S.A.S (France) involved in weld-ing personnel and procedures certification according to European norms. Within the frames of the Partnership Agreement, CNIITMASH and Bureau Veritas will work together in certification of personnel and welding…

Sakhalin Energy Offloaded 1,800th Standard LNG Cargo

News from projects and regions March 25, 2020, 16:00 Earlier today at the Port of Prigorodnoye, the 1,800th LNG cargo produced at the Sakhalin-2 LNG plant operated since 2009, was loaded onto the Hyundai Aquapia LNG carrier. The destination country for this cargo, purchased by KOGAS company, is South Korea. It is also worth to note that this is the first port call of the ship…