Yelena Alexandrovna Beckman-Shcherbina (1882-1951).
Yelena Alexandrovna Beckman-Shcherbina (1882-1951), pianist. Assistant professor of piano (1921-1930). Honoured Artist of the RSFSR.
Yelena Alexandrovna Beckman-Shcherbina (1882-1951), pianist. Assistant professor of piano (1921-1930). Honoured Artist of the RSFSR.
Nickolai Karlovaich Metner (1879-1951), composer. pianist. Professor of piano (1909-1910, 1915-1921).
Program of the Conservatoire student`s concert in the Small Hall, featuring works by N.K. Metner (1924).
Felix Mikhailovich Blumenfeld (1963-1931), pianist. Professor of piano (1922-1931). Merited Art Worker of the RSFSR.
Anna Pavlovna Ostrovskaya (1868-1942), pianist. Teacher of piano (1908-1942, since 1917 – professor.
Poster announcing the chamber concert performed by F.F. Keman`s pupils in the Small Hall of the Conservatoire (1930).
Fyodor Fyodorovich Keneman (1873-1937), pianist composer. Teacher of theory of music, piano, score reading and chamber ensemble (1899-1932, since 1912 – professor).
N. Ya. Myaskovsky, N. S. Zhilaev ahd H.I. Litinsky with thair pupils. Sitting are: Yu. M. Yatzevich, V.Ya Shedalin, N. Ya Myaskovsky, A.I. Khachaturyan. Standing are: B.N. Mokrousov, A.E. Spadavekkia, Yu. M. Alexandrov, G.V. Kirkov, T.N. Khrennikow, S.Ya. Urbach, S.Z. Sendereti (1934).
Nickolai Yakovlevich Myaskovsky (1881-1950), composer. Professor in theory of composition (1921-1950), head of Chair of Compositions and Polyphony (since 1938), People`s Artist of USSR, Laureate of USSR State Prizes.
Mikhail Samoylovich Pakelis (1899-1879), pianist, musicologist. Teacher of theory of music (1924-1941, since 1930 – professor), head of History of Russian Music Chair (1934-1935).
Valentin Eduardovich Ferman (1896-1948), musicologist, teacer of histiry of music (1925-1943, since 1935- professor). Together with postgranduates. Sitting are: T.N.Fyodorova, N.V. Tumanina, V.E. Ferman, Ye. F. Druzhinina. Standing are: S.M. Gotgelf, S.N. Pitina, M.E. Rittich, M.S. Kiselyov (the 1930s).
Arnold Alexandrovich Alschwang (1896-1960), pianist, composer. Teacher of histiry of music (1930-1934, since 1932 – assistant professor).
Konstantin Alexeevich Kuznetsov (1883-1953), musicologist. Teacher of history of music (1923-1931, 1934-1938, 1941-1949, since 1936-professor).
Mikhail Vladimirovich Ivanov-Boretsky (1874-1936), music historian. Professor in history of music (1922-1936), protector for educational work (1924-1930), head of Chair for History and Theoty of Music (1932-1934).
Sergey Sergeevich Skrebkov (1905-1967). musicologist. Teacher of theory of music (1932-1967, since 1946 – professor), head of Theory of Music Chair (1948-1967). Merited Art Worker of the RSFSR.
Pieces from fish-soup set. Lathe-turned and carved wood with floral scroll design. Painted by N.Ivanova, designed by S.Demidov. Semyonov. 1977.
Pieces from barry set. Lathe-turned and carved wood with gold design on coloured ground. Painted and designed by L. Polyashova. Semyonov. 1979.
Pieces from dinner set. Lathe-turned and carved wood with floral scroll design. Painted by T.Belyantseva, designed by N. Salnikova. Semyonov. 1977.
Rooster dipper. Carved wood with herbal design. Painted by N. Morozova, designed by Ye. Dospalova. Semyonov. 1977.
Pieces from coffe set. Lathe-turned and carved wood with gold design on coloured ground. Painted by Ye. Yakovleva, designed by N. Salnikova. Semyonov. 1977.
Pieces from tea and coffe set. Lathe-turned and carved wood with gold design on coloured ground. Painted by N. Morozova, designed by Ye. Dospalova. Semyonov. 1977.
Pieces from honey set. Lathe-turned and wood with gold design on coloured ground. Painted by L. Polyashova, designed by Ye. Dospalova. Semyonov. 1977.
Piaces from fruit and batty set. Lathe-turned and carved wood with gold design on coloured ground. Painted and designed by N. Morozova.
Horse dipper six miniature dippers. Carved wood with floral scroll design. Painted by N. Smelysheva, designed by Ye. Dospalova. Semyonov. 1977.
Dish, vase and bowl from Herb set. Lathe-turned wood with herbal design. Painted and designed by G. Volklva. Semyonov. 1979.
Cup, saucer and spoon, coffeepot from coffee set. Lathe-turned and caved wood with gold design on coloured ground. Painted by P. Shcherbakova, designed by Salnikova. Semyonov. 1977.
Bread serving dish, tray, goblets, and salt-cellar from wedding set. Lathe-turned and carved wood with floral scroll design. Painted and designed Ye. Yakovleva. Semyonov. 1978.
Daisy and Redcurrant set of canisters. Lathe – turned wood with herbal design. Painted by N. Kuzmina, designed by N. Salnikova. Semyonov. 1977.
Blueberry, Gooseberry and Acorns set of miniature barrels. Lathe-turned wood with gold design on coloured ground. Prainted and desigened by A. Sokolova. Semeyonov 1977.
Igor Vladimirovich Sposobin (1900-1954), musicologist. Teacher of theory of music (1924-1954, since 1939 – professor). The portrait painted by Suvorov.
Boleslav Leopoldovich Yavorsky (1877-1942), music theorist, pianist. Conducted musical and theoretical seminars (1938-1942, since 1938 – professor).
Sergey Vassilyevich Yevseev (1894-1956), composer, music theorist. Teacher of theoretical subjects (1922-1956, since 1939 – professor).
Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev (1891-1953), composer, pianist, conductor. Consulting professor in composition (1933-1937). People`s Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR.
Henrik Iljich Litinsky (1901-1987), composer. Teacher of theory of music and composition (1924-1943, since 1933- professor, in 1932-1943 head of Chair of Composition). Together with students of the Conservatoire National Studio. Sitting are: I.N. Nadirov, V.I. Muradeli, H.I. Litinsky, V.N. Mkrtycheva. V.P. Vorobyov, M. Ya Magidenko, N.V. Narimanidze, N.G. Zhiganov.
Alexander Vassilyevich Alexandrov (1883-1946), composer, singer, choral conductor. Teacher of theoretical subjects, methodology of choral mastery, choral class (1918-1943, since 1925- head of Choral Chait). People`s Artist, Laureate of USSR State Prizes.
Anatoly Nickolayevich Alexandrov (1888-1982), composer. Teacher of composition (1923-1964, since 1926- professor). People`s Artist of the USSR, Laureate of USSR State Prize.
Mikhail Fabianovich Gnessin (1883-1957), composer, author of literary writings on music. Professor of composition (1925-1936). Together with his pupils at the lesson. Sitting are: M.F. Gnessin, Yu.V. Tikhomirov, N.V. Narimanidze. Standing are: V.P. Gerchik, A.A. Kozakevich, L.M. Birnov, B.I. Karakhan.
Boris Alexandrovich Alexandrov, pupil of R.G. Gliere, composer, choral conductor. Teacher of score reading and instrumentation (1933-1941, since 1939 – assistant professor). People`s Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labour, Laureate of the Lenin State Prizes.
Sketches in the draft of the short story “Hamlet of Shchigrovsky Province”. 1848. Ink on paper. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Sketches in the draft of the article in “The Russian Peasant and Russian Economy”. 1842. Ink on paper. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Portrait of L. Perovsky in the draft of the article on “The Russian Peasant and Russian Economy”. 1842. Ink on paper. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
I. Turgenev (1818-1883) Male portrait. 1836. Ink on paper. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Taman. 1837. Pencil on paper. 21×30.6. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
Encounter of French cuirassiers and mounted chasseurs. 1832-1834. Pencil on paper. 17×21. In the “Cadets’ drawing book”. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
Male and female portraits. 1832-1834. Pencil on paper. 17×21. In the “Cadets’ drawing book”. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
Ammalat-Bek and Verkhovsky. Illustration to A.Bestuzhev-Marlinsky’s short novel “Ammalat-Bek”. 1832-1834. Pencil on paper. 17×21. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
Mounted uhlans with lances. 1832-1834. Pencil on paper. 17×21. In the “Cadets’ drawing book”. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
A mounted grenadier. 1832. Ink on paper. 22×17.1. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Caucasian view with a saklya house. (The Georgian Military Highway at Mtskheta). 1837 (?). Oil on cardboard. 36 x 43.5. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
“At Valerik: July 12”. 1840. Watercolor on paper. 18.1×25.2. From M.Lermontov’s sketchbook. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Caucasian view with camels. (The neighborhood of the village of Karaagach in Kahetia). 1837 (?). Oil on canvas. 62×72. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
A mounted highlander with a banner. 1836. Watercolor on paper. 9.2×15.7. From the album of M.Shan-Ghirei State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Portrait of A.Stolypin in traditional Kurdish costume. 1841. Watercolor on paper. 13.2×9.4. Literature Museum. Moscow.
Portrait of V.Lopukhina. 1835 (?). Watercolor on paper. 8.8 x 14.5. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
“The Duke Lerma”. 1833 (?). Oil on canvas. 60 x 52. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
Cover of manuscript of the novel “Vadim”. 1832-1834. Ink on paper. 35.5 x 22.5. Institute of Russian Literature. Saint-Petersburg.
Self-portrait. 1837-1838. Watercolor on paper. 10.8 x 9.4. Literature Museum. Moscow.
A horse. The 1830s. Watercolour on paper. 9.2 x 15.7. From the album of M. Shan-Ghirei. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
M.Lermontov (1824-1841). A lonely sail. 1828-1832. Watercolor on paper. 9.2×15.7. From the album of M.Shan-Ghirei. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
N.Ogaryov (1813-1877) Landscape. 1834. Sepia on paper. 18.8×23.7. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.