
The first chronicle inscription about Moscow dates back to 1147 when Suzdal Prince Juri Dolgoruki “founded the cornerstone of the city of Moscow in the mouth of the Neglinnaia River up the river Jauza”. The white-stone Moscow, as it is called from the ancient times for the colour of the stone walls and towers of…


It is hard to notice the moment when in enters the Volga, along the banks of which the constellation of the old Russian towns is situated. One of them is Uglich, which is the port of call of the ship on the way to the capital of the Russia. The ancient manuscripts recreate the events…


Petrozavodsk. In 1703 Peter the Great founded the iron-making and cannon-casting plants on the forest river Lososinka. Around them the Peter’s settlement has developed. Nowadays Petrozavodsk is an industrial and cultural center of the North-West of Russia. Having passed the system of rivers, reservoirs, lakes and assended the “staircase” of the Volgo-Balt lock, the ship…


The lake Ladoga. is for the first time mentioned in the chronicles of the 9th century. In those days had a Karellian name “sevo”, which means “an open swamp”. Actually, it would be more exact if this lake, which is the biggest in Europe fresh water reservoir, would be called the Ladoga Sea. We are…


The ship will cover more than 70 kilometers up the river and reach the Ladoga Lace, with gives source to the Neva river, carrying its swift waters into the Gult of Finland. 20 kilometers away from the river terminal there’s a settlement Ust-lzhora, situated on the right bank of the river. Here in 1240 the…

Staint Petersburg

We’ve in Staint Petersburg. St. Petersburg, that was the name of the Russian capital up to 1914, appeared in the mouth of the Neva river to the order of Peter the Great. It opened the “window to Europe” for Russia. The city, famous for the unique architectural ensembles, museums, theatres, is the second largest (after…

A hall in the Hermitage Museum

Treasure Chamber of Human Genius Roaming around Saint Petersburg in winter, you are sure to find places where winter offers you something that is all of its own. The frozen channels, frost-covered bridges, and numerous snow-capped monuments and statues are full of especial charm. A walk in Saint Petersburg in winter will show you the…

Heart of Moscow

Red Square Take a good look at the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin. Its buildings stand on a steep hill, washed at the foot by the Moskva River. Behind the turreted crenelated walls overlooking the bank, stand the cathedrals, palaces and bell-towers whose sky-piercing silhouette imparts a sunny grace. One begins sightseeing in Moscow, as…