S. Gorodetsky and A. Kruchyonykh. 1920
S. Gorodetsky and A. Kruchyonykh. 1920. Watcrcolour on paper. 21.9×25.7. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
S. Gorodetsky and A. Kruchyonykh. 1920. Watcrcolour on paper. 21.9×25.7. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Portrait of V.Mayakovsky. 1920. Ink on paper. Drawing in a notebook. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Self-portrait. 1909. Ink on paper. Deposited in a private collection. A. Kruchyonykh. Fifteen Years of Russian I’uturism. Moscow.
Portrait of V. Khlcbnikova. 1910-1912. Pencil on paper. 8.2×8.3. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Mava. Drawing in the draft of the poem “You who are used to see life . . .” 1922. Pencil on paper. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
“Drawing of the protoworld” in the draft of a poem. 1908. Ink on paper. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
“Drawing of the protoworld” in the draft of a poem. 1908. Ink on paper. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Drawing in a word-coining manuscript. 1908. Ink on paper. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
A Volga landscape. 1903. Oil on canvas, 16×20, Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
A Uralian landscape. Drawing in a notebook. 1905. Pencil on paper. 8.1×14.1. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
An owl. The 1900s. Ink on paper. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Portrait of a coachman. The early 1900s. Charcoal on paper. 37.8X24.7. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
V. Khlebnikov (1885-1922). A bird. The early 1900s. Oil on canvas, 22×15.8. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Poster “Tribute to the Revolution’s Fallen Heroes”. 1921. Watercolour on paper. 70×58. Deposited in it private collection.
Portrait of V. Khlebnikov. 1920. Watercolour on paper. Pastel. 35×26.7. Deposited in a private collection.
N. Klyuev.M. Lozinsky, A. Akhmatova and M. Zenkevich at a meeting of the “Poet’s Guild”. 1913. Pencil on paper. 9.6×14. Deposited in a private collection.
A caricature of A. Blok. The 1910s. Pencil on paper. 8.5 X9.9. Deposited in private collection.
“Blok comes to my island”. A. Blok and A. Gorodetskaya. 1911. Pencil on paper. 8.3×11.5 Deposited in a private collection.
Portrait of A. Remizov. 1920. Pencil on paper. 33.4×22. Deposited in a private collection.
Self-caricature. 1910. Pencil on paper. Deposited in a private collection. ‘”Ogonyok”, 1980, No. 47
Caricature (I. Repin and K. Chukovsky) from the comical manuscript magazine “Okolo Kuok-kala”. 1914. Watercolour on paper. 35.7×22. Deposited in a private collection.
A. Tolstoy (1882/83-1945). Self-portrait with the devil. 1911. From the collection “Vienna”. St. Petersburg, 1913
1 Landscape and human figure connected by drawing”. Illustration to the book “Gogol’s Artistry”. Moscow, 1934 2 “Gogol’s phrase”. Illustration to the book ‘Gogol’s Artistry”. Moscow-Leningrad, 1934
“Second-phrase gesture”. Sketch of illustration to the hook “Gogol’s Artistry”. 1932. Pencil on paper. 21.2×17. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Kodzhory. (Veriyskoye Canyon). 1929. Pencil and watercolour on paper. 22×36. Literature Museum. Moscow.
Kodzhory. (The Georgian Military Highway. Main Range). 1929. Pencil, coloured pencil and watercolour on paper. 21.6×34.5. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Kodzhory. Tbilisi by night. 1929. Pencil, coloured pencil and watercolour on paper. 21.6×34.5. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
A mountain phantasy (“Serebern”). 1932. Pencil and watercolour on paper. 22×35. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
“Overview of Blok’s poetry”. Illustration to “Lectures about Blok”, 1923. Pencil, coloured pencil and watercolour on paper. 90×71. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Sketch of poster announcing the lecture “Light of the Morrow”. 1918. Watercolour and gold on coloured paper. 47X26. State Public Library. Saint-Petersburg.
Eleonora Titeleva. Illustration to the novel “Masks”. The late 1920s or early 1930s. Pencil on paper. 8.2X8. Literature Museum. Moscow.
The Korobkin brothers. Illustration lo the novel “Masks”. The late 1920s or early 1930s. Pencil on paper. 14×16. Literature Museum. Moscow.
The Ableukhovs: Father and Son. Illustration to the novel “St. Petersburg”. The 1910s. India ink, ink and pen on paper. 36×22.4. Literature Museum. Moscow.
Nikolai Ableukhov. Illustration to the novel “St. Petersburg”. The 1910s. India ink and pen on paper. 22.5×8.5. Literature Museum. Moscow.
Landscape. Feodosia. 1927. 26.5×35.2. Water-colour on paper. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Koktebel. 1927. Watercolour on paper. 17.7X26.7. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Koktebel. 1925. Watercolour on paper. 24.7X32.8. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Koktebel. 1924. Pencil and watercolour on paper. 34×43. Literature Museum. Moscow.
Koktebel. Sunset. 1928. Watercolour on paper. 24-3×35-8. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Koktebel. 1922. Watercolour on paper. 26.6X28.7. Literature Museum. Moscow.
M. Voloshin (1877-1932). Self-portrait. 1919. Pencil and watercolour on paper. 18X 15,9. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Drawing Irom “Pictorial Diary of the Occupation Years 1940-1943. Paris”. 1940. Ink and pen on coloured paper. 16.4×13. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Drawing Irom “Pictorial Diary of the Occupation Years 1940-1943. Paris’”. 1940. India ink and pen on coloured paper. 11X17. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Sketch of cover for the book “Drawings by Writers”. 1937. India ink and pen on coloured paper. 13.7×16. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Sketch of book-cover. The 1930s. Watercolour. India ink and pen on coloured paper. 14×13.5 Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Programme of Remizov’s appearance at the Petrograd “Art Club”, July 26, 1920. Ink and pen on paper. 35×17.8. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Dedication page of “Folklore Tales”, 1920. Watercolour. India ink and pen on paper. 26.5×20.5. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Sketch of cover for “The Comedy of Tsar Maximilian and His Unsubmissive Son Adolf”. 1918. Watercolour on paper. 32.5×50.5. Central State Archives of Literature and Art.
Sketch of cover for the short novel “The Gold Chain”. 1918. India ink and pen on paper.. 34.5×17.8. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Angels. Drawing from sketchbook “The War”. 1914-1916. Pencil, coloured pencil and ink on paper. 12.2x 14.5. Literature Museum. Moscow.
“Asyka. King of the Apes”. The 1920s (?). India ink on paper. 17×15 Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Page of the manuscript book “What Tobacco Is.” 1907. India ink on paper. 15×10. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Self-caricature: “A. Blok haunts the Commissariats seeking exemption from military service”. 1917. Pencil on coloured paper. 17.2×15.9. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Caricatures of Prof. A. Vvedensky and the Peredvizhnilki artists; a typical peasant woman of Brittany. The 1910s. Ink on paper. 32.5×22. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Izora and Bertran. Comical illustrations to the drama “The Rose and the Cross”. 1920. Purple pencil on paper. 20.7×13.5. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
Comical sketch of cover for the book of verse “‘Hoary Morning”. 1920 (?). Pencil on paper. 20.7×13.5, Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
A comical drawing (dachshund). The 1910s. Pencil on paper. 21.6×18. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
A.Blok and L. Mendeleyeva by the Christmas tree. Comical drawing. The 1900s or early 1910s. Pencil on paper. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
“Lyuba listening to a fascinating story”. The 1900s or early 1910s. Pencil on paper. 14×8.5. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.
“Lyuba getting ready for a meal”. The 1900s or early 1910s. Pencil on paper. 14×8.5. Central State Archives of Literature and Art. Moscow.