Russian ship

The river passenger fleet operating on Russian inland water-ways is made up of comfortable double-decker, three-decker and four-decker liners and high-speed hydrofoil motorships. A trip on one of these boats is a fascinating experience enabling you to see many places of interest and enjoy beautiful scenery en route. The Russia Company for Foreign Travel organize…

A Volga steamboat

Like all the towns in the Russia the aspect of Nizhniy-Novgorod has fundamentally changed. One must see the city to appreciate what has taken place here. The best time for a visit is the summer when the two great rivers — the Oka and the Volga form a shimmering expanse of interlocked waters by the…

Nizhniy-Novgorod ‘s sportsmen enjoy a widespread popularity, especially the women skaters who have won several national records. The aquatic stations, playing fields, swimming pools and skating rinks are always filled with a merry crowd of sportsmen. Here the sport shorts are quickly changed for the workman’s smock and within an hour or so the worker…

The Molotov Automobile

The Molotov Automobile Works in Nizhniy-Novgorod is the biggest in Europe. Five hundred motor cars and lorries come off its conveyor every day. This, however, is merely the beginning. The works is continuously growing. The elegant M-1 saloon car turned out by the works can be seen on the streets of every town in the…

At Nizhniy-Novgorod

In the Art Museum the visitor will find rare collections of artistic furniture, porcelain and china and a collection of old Russian and foreign paintings dating from the eleventh century. Here one will be able to view pictures by such famous painters as Brullov, Venetsianov, Tropinin, Perov, Bepin, Kraraski and Serov. The museum contains over…

Nizhniy-Novgorod.Communications Centre

The city’s territory has increased sevenfold and its populat’on has been doubled, having long over-stepped the half million mark. Passengers pour into the town from the railway stations and landing stages and are swallowed up by the new hotels, where comfortable accommodation is afforded them. Of these hotels the new Intourist hotel is worth special…

The city Nizhniy Novgorod

Nizhniy-Novgorod was the centre whence thе popular levies under Minin and Pozharski rose up in defence of Moscow against invaders from the west. The Volga opened up to Nizhniy-Novgorod the rich markets of the East. This contributed to the rapid growth and prosperity of the city, which was in no little measure enhanced by the…

View from Inturist hotel

Nizhniy Novgorod Spread out on the steep hills, at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga, lies Nizhniy Novgorod, one of the most picturesque cities in the Russia and at the same time an important industrial centre. Standing on the deck of a Volga steamboat the visitor can glimpse Nizhniy Novgorod from far off.…

The International Contacts of Volgograd

The International Contacts of Volgograd The city’s extensive contacts with the outside world have become an organic feature of its public life. Every year Volgograd is visited by many foreign delegations and thousands of tourists. In the Volgograd streets one can find guests from Paris and Prague, Delhi and Helsinki, London and Accra. Volgograd’s international…

The Sights of Volgograd

The Sights of Volgograd On the Square of Fallen Heroes, right in the centre of Volgograd, there are Gorky Drama Theatre, Hotel Volgograd, Intourist office, Central Post Office, a Department Store, and a Medical Institute. Many historical events arc associated with this square. The Soviet power in Tsaritsyn was proclaimed in the building of the…

The city Planetarium.

Volgograd is not only an industrial city but also a big cultural centre of the Volga area. There are six institutes in the city — the Polytechnical Institute, the Institute of Municipal Engineering, the Medical, Pedagogical, Agricultural and Physical Culture Institute;;. Among the 16,000 students of the city colleges there arc representatives of the GDR,…

Hero city

In 1941 the Russia was attacked by fascist Germany. The fascist hordes invaded deeply on the Russian territory and rushed for the Volga in summer, 1942. And the heroic city on the Volga played an outstanding role in the history of the country for the second lime. The great battle of Stalingrad rumbled for 200…


History A fortress was built on a sleep bank of the Volga in the 16th century. It was named Tsaritayn. In the course of three centuries the fortress on the Volga beat back the attacks of nomads. Its advantageous territorial position on a water artery, the closeness of (he sources of raw materials and consumption…

The Museum of the City Defence.

The name of this city sounds throughout the world as a symbol of staunchness, epic courage, heroism and velour of the soldiers who saved their country from enslavement. Ages will pass, but the glorious deeds of the heroes who fought against Hitler’s hordes on tile hanks of the great Russian river will live in the…


The first chronicle inscription about Moscow dates back to 1147 when Suzdal Prince Juri Dolgoruki “founded the cornerstone of the city of Moscow in the mouth of the Neglinnaia River up the river Jauza”. The white-stone Moscow, as it is called from the ancient times for the colour of the stone walls and towers of…