A. V. Suvorov Museum: 193015, St. Petersburg, ul. Kirochnaya (formerly the Saltykov-Shchedrin), 43, from Art. m. “Chernyshevskaya”

The collection of the museum includes about 4,000 items; they show the chief landmarks in Suvorov’s life and the development of his military genius. The museum has gathered valuable archive materials and various thophies captured by the Russian army under the command of Suvorov. The building of the museum was erected in 1904 in accordance…

Saint Petersburg Chess Club named after M. I. Chigorin: 191186, St. Petersburg, ul. Most Konyushennaya 25

Interesting All-Union and international competitions between the leading chess players are often held at the club. The Saint Petersburg chess-school has the steady reputation of being one of the most skilled in our country. M. M. Botvinnik, the world chess champion, is one of the founders of the Saint Petersburg chess-school. The club saw many…

A. S. Pushkin Memorial Museum: Naberezhnaya Moiki, 12 (12, Moika Embankment). Directions: Art. Metro station “Nevsky Prospect” and “Seating court,” any form of transport on the Nevsky Prospect Street to B Stables. or the Palace Square.

A. S. Pushkin lived in this house from October 1836 to the day of his death on January 29, 1837. The rooms of the museum contain many of the things that belonged to the poet — his writing-table, desk, inkstand and pen, his portraits painted by famous contemporary artists during Pushkin’s life and after his…

State Hermitage; All-Union Museum of A. S. Pushkin; Winter Palace: Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya, 34—36 (34—36, Palace Embankment).

The State Hermitage is a rich treasure house of world culture and art. It is the greatest history and’ arts museum in the RUSSIA — a museum of world significance. The collections of the museum began to accumulate as far back as the 18th century, when they were considered the personal property of the tsar’s…

Buildings of the Central State Historical Archives. Senate Square (in 1923-2008 – Decembrists Square).

This square, Senatskaya Ploshchad, was given the name of the Decembrists because on that memorable day, December 14, 1825, this square was the scene of the first open armed uprising of the revolutionary young noblemen, afterwards known as the Decembrists, who proclaimed the abolition of serfdom and autocracy. The architectural ensemble of the square is…

Museum of the History of Saint Petersburg: Naberezhnaya Krasnovo Flota, 44 (44, Red Navy Embankment).

The exhibition of the museum is housed in an old mansion. It reflects the history of the city from the time of its foundation up to the present day. There is a special section called Socialist Saint Petersburg that contains some interesting documents and exhibits revealing the great socialist changes effected in Saint Petersburg during…

Rostral Columns (lat. columna rostrata): located on the arrow Vasilevsky Island. Opposite the Stock Exchange

In 1806 two column-shaped lighthouses adorned with rostrums (sculptural replicas of ships’ prows) were built on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. The columns were designed by the architect Thomas de Thomon. The mighty figures, seated at the foot of the columns, personify Russia’s trade routes — the Neva, the Volkhov, the Volga and the Dnieper.…

Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography; M. V. Lomonosov Museum of the Academy of Sciences of the Russia: Vasilyevsky Ostrov, Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, 3.

Founded in 1714, the Museum of Natural History was transferred to this building in 1727. The building of the Kunstkamera, where the museum came to be housed, was erected in 1718— 1734 by the architects G. I. Mattarnovi, G. Kiaveri and M. G. Zemtsov. In the 1740’s the structure was remodelled under the supervision of…

Central Naval Museum: 199034, St. Petersburg, Exchange Square Building 4, The museum is located on the Spit of Vasilevsky Island in the former Stock Exchange Nearest metro station “Gostiny Dvor” (“Nevsky Prospect”), “Gorky”, “Sports”

The museum was founded in 1709 by Peter I’s edict ordering the formation of a Model-Kdmora (Model Chamber) in the building of the Admiralty. Nowadays its collections are housed in the former Fondovaya Birzha (Stock Exchange). The Exchange building is the centre of a majestic architectural ensemble on the Strelka (Spit) of Vasilyevsky Island, created…

A. Pushkin Museum of Literature: Vasilyevsky Ostrov, Naberezhnaya Admirab Makarova 4, Metro station “Nevsky Prospect”, “Vasileostrovskaya”, “Sports”

The exhibition of the museum, which was founded in 1899, shows the development of Russian literature beginning with the most ancient masterpiece — Slovo o Polku fgoreve (The Lay of Igor’s Host). Special sections of the exhibition are devoted to the work of A. N. Radishchev, M. Y. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, I. S. Turgenev,…

Saint Petersburg State University: Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, 7/9 (7/9, University Embankment).

The University was founded in 1819. It is one of the most important educational and scientific centres in our country. The building of the University, a fine specimen of 18th century architecture, was erected bv Domenico Trezzini in 1722— 1742 to house Peter I’s Twelve Colleges. The scientific schools headed by the mathematician P. L.…

Academy of Arts (State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named Repin) 199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 17

This Academy of the Three Noblest Arts (painting, sculpture and architecture) was founded in Petersburg in 1757. In 1764—1788 the splendid building, which has been preserved in its original state up to the present day, was constructed according to the design of the architects A. F. Kokorinov and J. B. Vallin-Delamothe. During the 200 years…

S. M. Kirov Palace of Culture: Vasilyevsky Ostrov, Bolshoy Prospect VO 83. Nearest Metro Station:Vasileostrovskaya, Maritime

Every Saint Petersburger is well acquainted with the peculiar sky-line of the eight-storey tower of this huge building. This monumental edifice was built in 1937 according to the design of the architects N. A. Trotsky and S. N. Kazak. There are many spac.ous halls in the Palace: a theatre seating 1,300, a dancing-hall, a cinema…

The legendary cruiser Aurora

Cruiser ‘Aurora: at Petrogradskaya Naberezhnaya The legendary cruiser Aurora. On Octobei 25, 1917, the thunder of its guns announced to the whole world the birth of the Sovet State. The Aurora is the legendary cruiser of the October Revolution. As one of the warships of the revolutionary Baltic Fleet, the Aurora took a most active…

The State Museum of Russian Political History (State Museum of the Great October Socialist Revolution). st. Kuibyshev, 2 / 4,Metro Gorky.

The museum was founded in 1919. The newi exhibition was opened to the public during the festivities held in commemoration of the 40th, anniversary of the foundation of the RussianState. The extensive display (5,000 exhibits) presents authentic documents and memorial objects which, tell of the preparation and carrying out of the Great October Socialist Revolution.…

Monument to the Destroyer Steregtishchy, Opening Date: 1911.05.10 , Kronverksky prospect, Metro station: Gorky

The monument to the destroyer Steregushchy (by the sculptor K. V. Izenberg) was erected in 1911 in the park near the former Kamennoostrov-sky Prospect. The memorial is dedicated to the heroic deed of two seamen of the destroyer Steregushchy during the Russo-Japanese War. Surrounded by the enemy warsh.ps, the Russian seamen preferred death to dishonorable…

Baltic House (Lenin Komsomol Theatre): Petrogradskaya Storona (Petrograd District) St. Petersburg State teatrSankt Petersburg, Alexander Park, 4

The Baltic House (Lenin Komsomol Theatre) is one of the leading youth theatres in the Russia It was initialed in 1936. Three years later the theatre was provided with a new well-equipped building designed by the architects N. A. Miturich and V. P. Makashov. The repertoire of the theatre includes plays by contemporary Russian and…

Saint Petersburg Planetarium: Petrogradskaya Storona (Petrograd District), Location: St. Petersburg, Alexander Park, 4. Directions: Metro stations:Gorky, Petrograd, Sports.

When the reconstruction of the so-called Iron Hall’ (the designers were the architect R. A. Breg-man and a group of engineers) was completed — a third storey and an observatory tower were added — on November 7, 1959 the Planetarium opened its doors. As to its architecture and technical equipment the Planetarium is one of…