The Moscow Triumphal Arch

The splendid colonnade of the Moskovsky Gate stands at the crossing, where Chernigovskaya Street and the Ligovsky Prospect join the Moskovsky Prospect. In the first half of the 19th century the south gate of the city, through which the road from Moscow passed, was here, at the intersection of the Moscow Highroad and the river…

Ndrvskaya Underground Station

The ground-level vestibule of the station faces Ploshchad Stachek and the Prospect Stachek. This former workers’ suburb has now become a most important construction site of the socialist city; it has been completely transformed in the course of the past four decades. The heroic revolutionary deeds and glorious exploits in labour of the workers of…

Monument to the Heroes of Krasnodon: Liflandskaya Dlitsa, 8 (8, Liflandskaya Street).

The Park named after the 30th Anniversary of the Young Communist League, where a Monument to the Heroes of Krasnodon has been erected, is imbued with the memory of the revolutionary past of the Narvskaya Zastava. It was here, in the former Yekateringofsky Garden, that revolutionary meetings and mayovkas (pre-revolutionary illegal May Day political rallies)…

Baltiyskaya Underground Station.

The ‘Baltiyskaya’ underground station is situated near the Baltik Railway Station; it was designed by the architects A. I. Kubasov, M. K. Benois and F. F. Oleynik. The splendid traditions of Russian seamen,  the  glorification  of  the might  of  Russiannaval power, is the main idea of the architectural decoration of the underground palace. The facade…

Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University): 190013, 26 Moskovsky Prospect, (26, Moscow Avenue)

The Institute was founded in 1828. It was the first Russian institution of higher education which trained engineer-technologists in a wide range of specialities. In the 1880’s Marxist students’ circles sprang up at the Institute, conducted by M. I. Brusnyov and the brothers Krasin. V. I. Lenin’s comrades-in-arms of the Petersburg League of Struggle for…

Museum of Urban Sculpture; Aleksdndro-Nevskaya Ldvra (Monastery): Ploshchad Aleksandra Nevskovo (Alexander Nevsky Square)

The museum in responsible for the safeguarding and restoration of the monumental sculptures in the streets and squares of Saint Petersburg. The visitors are shown an exhibition of models of urban monuments, the necropolises and the so-called Literatorskiye Mostki of the Volkov Cemetery. Built in the national architectural tradition, the ensemble of the monastery is…

Military Medical Museum of Russian Ministry of Defense: 191180, St. Petersburg, Lazaretny Lane., 2

The history of medicine in our country is the subject-matter of the material shown at the museum, which was established during the Great Patriotic War. The unique historical exhibits include manuscripts, surgical instruments and personal belongings of N. I. Pirogov, the founder of Russian military field surgery. The numerous documents of the museum reflect the…

Towstonogow Bolshoi Drama Theatre (A. M. Gorky Bolshoi Drama Theatre): 191023 Naberezhnaya Fontanki, 65 (65, Fontanka Embankment).

Constructed in 1879 by the architect L. Fontana, the building of the theatre was the home of the pre-revolutionary Maly Suvorin Theatre. The Bolshoi Drama Theatre was established on the initiative of A. M. Gorky supported by A. V. Lunacharsky, the poet A. A. Blok and the actors Y. M. Yiiryev, N. F. Monakhov and…

Petersburg State Transport University

Petersburg State Transport University (Institute of Railway  Engineers named after Academician V. N. Obraztsov): Moskovsky Prospect, 9 (9, Moscow Avenue). This  Institute is  one of the   oldest   and most important establishments of higher education in the field of transport.  It was founded in  1809. Such outstanding men of science and engineering as D. I. Zhuravsky,…

The House actor named K.S. Stanislavsky (K. S. Stanislavsky Palace of Art Workers): Nevsky Prospect, 86 (86, Nevsky Avenue)

In 1835 the architect Q. Fossati erected a building with a classical portico, and in 1959 it became the Palace of Art Workers, the first in the country. This palace joins two clubs of intellectuals, the House of Art Workers and the Actor’s House. The palace runs two Universities of Culture, organizes various cycles of…

The State educational institutions Education Center “St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity” (A. A. Zhdanov Palace of Young Pioneers). Address: 191023, St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 39, letter A

The St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity — a wonderful gift from the Russianpeople to the children of Saint Petersburg — was opened on February 12, 1937, in the former Anichkov Palace, where court nobility used to assemble at magnificent balls. Nowadays the three buildings of the palace contain 300 laboratories and workshops, work-rooms…

The Vaganova Ballet Academy. (A. Y. Vagdnova Chorea graphical School); A. V. Lunachdrsky Theatrical Library; A. N. Ostrovsky Theatrical Museum: Ulitsa Zodchevo Rossi, Ploshchad Ostrovskovo, 6 (6, Architect Rossi Street, Ostrovsky Square).

The ballet school was established in 1738 to train artists for the Russian court theatres and since 1837 has been housed in the world-famous building in Architect Rossi Street. Such coryphees of Russian ballet as A. I. Istomina, E. A. Te-iesheva, A. P. Pavlova, A. Y. Vaganova, V. F. Nizhinsky, M. M. Fokin and many…

The Russian National library Saltykov-Shchedrin (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library): Address: Ostrovsky, third, Moskovsky Prospekt, 165 / 2 nab. p. Fontanka, 36, Foundry Avenue, 49

The State Public Library named after M. E. Saltykoy-Shchedrin is one of the largest book repositories and a world-known bibliography-research centre. It contains over 13,000,000 catalogued items, three times more than in pre-revolutionary years. Nearly 4,000 people come to the library every day in order to draw out more than 12,000 books, magazines, newspapers and…

The St.Petersburg State Conservatory (N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire): 190000, Saint Petersburg, Teatralnaya Ploshchad 3 (3 Theatre Square). Metro station “Sennaya Square” “Sadovaya (Garden)”, etc. – 15-20 minutes on foot. via Griboyedov

Monument to N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in Teatralnaya Ploshchad (Theatre Square). In 1952, near the building of the conservatoire where the outstanding Russian composer taught his students, a monument to N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov was unveiled; this memorial was designed by the sculptor V. Y. Bogolyubov and V. I. Ingal This is the oldest Russian conservatoire; it…

The State Academic Mariinsky Theatre Opera and Ballet ( formerly S. M. Kirov Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre): Teatralnaya Ploshchad, 1 (1Theatre Square).

This is one of the oldest theatres in Saint Petersburg; its stage history is organically associated with the development of Russian musical, vocal and choreographic art. On October 2, 1860, the patriotic opera Ivan Susanin by M. I. Glinka was staged in the building designed by the well-known theatre architect A. K. Kavos and built…

Branch of the Institute of Physiology named after Academician I. P. Pavlov; Monument to I. P. Pavlov: Selo Pavlovo (Village of Pavlov), formerly Koltushi.

By the decree of the RussianGovernment, a Biological station was established here in accordance with I. P. Pavlov’s plan. The great physiologist worked for many years in this scientific research centre —the Capital of Conditioned Reflexes. In 1951, close to the building of the Institute, a monument to I. P. Pavlov was set up: a…