Russia Would Be Open to U.S. Proposals for New Nuclear Pact, Minister Says

Russia would be prepared to consider new proposals from the United States to replace a suspended Cold War-era nuclear pact with a broader treaty that includes more countries, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Thursday. Russia suspended the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty at the weekend after Washington announced it would withdraw in six months unless Russia ends…

Russia Will Exit INF Nuclear Pact in 6 Months

Russia will exit the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty in six months as part of a symmetrical response to the United States’ pullout, Interfax cited Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying on Wednesday. Read More A Forced Decision: Why the U.S. Withdrew From the INF Treaty (Op-ed) President Vladimir Putin said at the weekend that Russia had suspended…

Russia Massively Contributes to Decline in Democratic Norms, Freedom House Says

Freedom House has named Russia among a string of “heavyweight” countries that undermine democratic norms abroad, contributing to a 13th consecutive “decline in global freedom.” Russia has featured regularly in the U.S.-funded monitoring group’s annual “Freedom in the World” report documenting attacks on civil and democratic freedoms around the world. Read More How Russia’s Place…

Moscow Salaries See Double-Digit Growth in 2018, Official Figures Say

Average monthly salaries in Russia’s capital jumped by 11.7 percent to nearly 81,000 rubles ($1,234) last year, according to official figures from the federal statistics service. Early last month, Russia’s chief auditor Alexei Kudrin said that citizens’ real incomes virtually saw no change in 2018 as prices outpaced growth estimates. Meanwhile, inflation is expected to grow…

Russia Must Develop New Missiles to Counter U.S. Before 2021, Minister Says

Russia must develop a new land-based cruise missile and a new land-based hypersonic missile before 2021 to respond to Washington’s planned exit from a nuclear arms control pact, the state-run RIA Novosti news agency cited the defense minister as saying on Tuesday. President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that Russia had suspended the Cold War-era Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces…

‘U.S. Took Step to Destroy the World’: Russia Responds to U.S. Suspension of INF Treaty

Russian officials have pledged to revive missile production and said Moscow was ready to “respond militarily” to the United States suspending its compliance with the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Friday that Washington was suspending its compliance with the INF Treaty on Saturday and will withdraw from the…

Jailed Activist’s Daughter Dies in Russian Hospital

The daughter of the first activist prosecuted under Russia’s law against “undesirable organizations” has reportedly died in intensive care. Anastasia Shevchenko, a coordinator for the Open Russia pro-democracy NGO, was placed under house arrest last week over violations of the 2015 law against “undesirable organizations.” Human Rights Watch called Shevchenko the first activist to be…