Ladoga Canal

Ladoga Canal. Canalis Ladogenis nova Delineatio secundum exemplar Petropolitanum aeri incidit Matthaeus Seutter, Sac. Caes. Maj. Georg. Aug.V. Cum Priv.Sumi Vicariat in part Rheni, Franc. et Seuv. juris. (Augsburg, 1740-1750s). Scale approximately 1:150 000. Focused on the north-west.

Chapaev in the Urals

Chapayev geroy walked across Ural It was torn by a falcon with shelves on fight Forward you are companions, don’t dare to recede – Chapayevtsa safely got used to die Bayonets flashed, all of us burst “hurrah” And, having thrown entrenchments, ran the cadet. Chapayev geroy walked across Ural It was torn by a falcon…
