19th – 20th Century

The World of the Tatar Culture of the 19th – 20th Century

23.03 – 23.06 2017 For the first time the Russian museum of Ethnography presents objects revealing common and distinctive features of ethnic, territorial and ethno-confessional groups of the Tatars in Russia. The exposition gives visitor deep insights in resilience and development of Tatar national traditions in dwelling design, costume, cult objects, and applied arts. The…



Strelna is located about 22,5 km from St. Petersburg and overlooking the south shore of the Gulf of Finland. Strelna was favorite site for Peterburgers’ summer residences during 19th century. It was Strelna where the so-called “dachas” (summer cottages) of A.Suvorov-Rymniksky, A.Orlov, A.Lyvov, M. Kshessinsky were situated. The lanscapes of Strelna inspired A.Odoevsky, A.Griboedov, K.Romanov,…

Paul Cathedral

Three centuries above the city. The history of the bell tower of Peter and Paul Cathedral

Peter and Paul Cathedral has undergone several alterations in course of its long history. Permanent display in the belfry tells about the main stages of its construction and restoration. Drawings and photographs, a copy of a famous “Panorama of St. Petersburg” by Alexey Zubov (1716), model of Peter and Paul Cathedral, showing its design in…

Paul Fortress

History of Peter and Paul Fortress

Permanent display in the Neva Curtain Wall explores the history of Peter and Paul Fortress. More than 500 items from the museum collection, including archeological finds, engravings, photographs, construction equipment, models of the fortification structures, tell the story of the construction and development of the unique historical monument. Architectural designs, Russian and Swedish layouts and…

History of St Petersburg

History of St Petersburg – Petrograd. 1703 – 1918

Permanent display in the Commandant’s House of Peter and Paul Fortress consists of two sections. The first section explores the ancient history of the Neva banks and the history of St Petersburg of the early eighteenth – early nineteenth century. On display are archaeological finds, maps and layouts, paintings, pieces of graphic and applied art,…

at civil service

Leader of Russian Women’s Union speaks against gender quotas at civil service

A Russian senator stresses gender equality at the civil service should be supported by principles of professionalism and not by the establishment of legislative quotas Gender equality at Russia’s civil service should be supported by principles of professionalism and not by the establishment of legislative quotas, member of the Federation Council and Chairman of Russian…

the XVIII-XXI centuries

Collection of porcelain and glassware of the XVIII-XXI centuries

Peter and Paul Fortress, Petrovskaya Curtain Wall (left side) Exhibition from the collection of ceramics and glassware of the State Museum of History of St Petersburg is about 5000 objects of porcelain and glassware of Russian and West European production. The collection of ceramics and glassware of the State Museum of the History of St…

From Weekdays to Holidays – Urban Sketches

From Weekdays to Holidays – Urban Sketches from the 1930s

The 1930s in Russia was the time of five-year plans, true enthusiasm in work and fundamental reorganisation of the Leningrad industrial basis. The exhibition features samples of goods, produced at the city enterprises, and models of different structures and devices. The process of rapid industrialization involved intensification of labour and restriction of discipline. The country…

Alexander Blok

Alexander Blok and his Circle

In 2008 State Museum of the History of St Petersburg launched a new display entitled “Alexander Blok and his Circle”, based on the museum collection and memorial items from the Institute of Russian Literature in St Petersburg. Items connected with the poet’s family and literary circle, including numerous autographs, books, portraits, drawings and personal belongings,…

Permanent Display of the Monument

Permanent Display of the Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad

Permanent display of the Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad is located beneath the monument. Mosaic triptych “The Siege of 1941” by Sergey Repin, Ivan Uralov and Nikita Fomin depicts volunteers leaving for the war, women working at the factory in besieged city, and the portrait of Dmitry Shostakovich, who wrote his famous Symphony…

Permanent display in the

Permanent display in the Mikhail Matyushin’s House

Permanent display in the Mikhail Matyushin’s House focuses on the main stages of the development of avant-garde culture in Russia and shows the diversity of St. Petersburg avant-garde art of the 1920s – 1930s. On display are memorabilia of the Matyushin’s family, paintings and drawings by Mikhail Matiushin, Elena Guro, Alexey Remizov, Nikolay Kulbin, Vladimir…

Presentation of the project “Corpus Coranicum Petropolitana”

Presentation of the project “Corpus Coranicum Petropolitana” in Budapest

On May 5, 2017 in the framework of representative scientific conference “Paleo-Qur’anic Manuscripts: state of the field” organized by Center for Religious Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies of Central European University in Budapest Efim Rezvan and Anna Kudriavtceva presented the report “Corpus Coranicum Petropolitana: current results and perspectives of the new Russian Qur’anic project”. A…
