Pulkov Observatory

In 1942 the Pulkovo Observatory on the Pnlkovo Heights was utterly destroyed by fascist bombs and shells. In 1962 the Observatory, restored and reconstructed on new technical principles, carries out an extensive programme of astronomic investigations. The observatorv is stuated on the Pulkov Heights on the Pulkov meridian. It is the principal observatory of the…


Monument to the Heroes of Krasnodon: Liflandskaya Dlitsa, 8 (8, Liflandskaya Street).

The Park named after the 30th Anniversary of the Young Communist League, where a Monument to the Heroes of Krasnodon has been erected, is imbued with the memory of the revolutionary past of the Narvskaya Zastava. It was here, in the former Yekateringofsky Garden, that revolutionary meetings and mayovkas (pre-revolutionary illegal May Day political rallies)…


Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University): 190013, 26 Moskovsky Prospect, (26, Moscow Avenue)

The Institute was founded in 1828. It was the first Russian institution of higher education which trained engineer-technologists in a wide range of specialities. In the 1880’s Marxist students’ circles sprang up at the Institute, conducted by M. I. Brusnyov and the brothers Krasin. V. I. Lenin’s comrades-in-arms of the Petersburg League of Struggle for…
