High shore of lake Manych-Gudilo. State preserve “Rostovskiy”
DE Das hohe Ufer des Manytsch-Gudilo-Sees. Das Staatliche Naturschutzgebiet „Rostowskij”
DE Das hohe Ufer des Manytsch-Gudilo-Sees. Das Staatliche Naturschutzgebiet „Rostowskij”
DE Der See Ostrownoje. Das Staatliche Museum-Naturschutzgebiet namens M. A. Scholochow DE Die Aussicht auf den Fluss Don vom hohen linken Ufer. Das Staatliche Museum – Naturschutzgebiet namens M. A. Scholochow DE Das Naturdenkmal — die 400-iährige Eiche in Weschenskaja. Das Staatliche Museum – Naturschutzgebiet namens M. A. Scholochow
DetailsDE Einer der Konferenzsäle und die Empfangshalle des Kongress-Hotels
DE Das Interieur der Lobby aus “Don Plaza”.
DE „ WertolOtel” — ein Hotel der Business-Klasse. Einer von sechs Konferenzsälendes Kongress-Zentrums „WertolExpo”
DE Die Ausstellungshalle des Kongress-Zentrums „WertolExpo”. EN Rostov-on-Don is the largest business center in the south of Russia. Annually more than 500 congresses, 100 specialized exhibitions are held in the city. Eight professional exhibition companies operate here. Among the leading exhibition companies are congress-exhibition center “VertolExpo” and congress-hotel “Don-Plaza”, arranging South-Russia symposiums and outstanding forums,…
DetailsEN Recreation on rafts over upper Don. Kayaking over-river Kundryuchya at surroundings of village Zaytsevka in Krasnosulinskiy district. You can trip on wave runners over the Don alongside of green banks DE Paddeln auf dem Fluss Kundrjutschja in der Umgebung der Siedlung Sajtsewka des Rayons Krasnyj Sulin
DetailsEN Rostov region has much opportunities for all types of water resorting: here is navigable Don, and Severskiy Donets with beautiful banks and Azov Sea, many small rivers among which there are ones suitable for kayaking. On the upper Don it is good to go rafting, and along preserved territories with plenty of clear lakes…
DetailsEN Rostov region has much opportunities for all types of water resorting: here is navigable Don, and Severskiy Donets with beautiful banks and Azov Sea, many small rivers among which there are ones suitable for kayaking. On the upper Don it is good to go rafting, and along preserved territories with plenty of clear lakes…
DetailsEN Cossack horse races. Novocherkassk DE Kosaken-Pferderennen. Nowotscherkassk EN“Azov siege” historical reconstruction DE Inszenierung der Schlacht bei der Festung Asow EN Folk holiday in Ataman courtyard of Cossack stanitsa Starocherkasskaya — at its height DE Folklorefest im Ataman-Hof in der Kosakensiedlung Starotscherkasskaja ist in vollem Gange EN International literary-folk holiday “Sholokhov’s spring” in stanitsa Vyeshenskaya…
DetailsEN 2. Icon “Saint Nikolai, Archbishop of Likiyan chrisms, the Thaumaturgisf — blessing of emperor Nikolai II to Don Army to 24 Don Cossack regiment in the war against Japanese. Russia beginning of XXc. (wood, tempera, levkas, silver, enamel). 3. The mace of a hetman and dresser granted by Ekatenna II to ataman of the…
DetailsEN 1. Saber of emperor Alexander I. granted to Don Army by emperor Nikolai I in 1826 tor “Honors in the war of 1812-1814” in silver box (steel, silver, gilding, velvet). Novotcherkassk museum of the Don Cossack History DE Der Sabel des Kaisers Alexander I., geschenkt dem Don-Heer vom Kaiser Nikolaj I. im Jahre 1826,…
DetailsEN Enormous wealth — the unique Items of archeologlcal collections, relics of D sack, the collection of paintings, personal things and archives are kept in the museum of Rostov region. 1. Sword with sheath (gold, turquoise, cornelian, iron). 2. Falars (gold, bronze, turquoise, agate, alrnandine, glass, coral, garnet). 1-2: Last quarter of I century В.…
DetailsDE Die Stele am Eingang ins altertьmliche Tanais mit der Abbildung der Göttin Tiche, Schützerin des Stadttors, am Fronton. Mitte des 3. Jh. u.Z.
DE Der südwestliche Stadtteil. Das 3. Jh. u.Z.
DE Das Relief mit der Trifon-Abbildung und Widmungsbeschriftung. Mitte des 2. Jh. u.Z. (eine Kopie, das Original befindet sich in der Staatlichen Ermitage).
Archeological museum-preserve “Tanais” the first and biggest museum in Russia, well known to all arche-ologists throughout the world. In the preserve you can walk along open blocks and streets of the ancient town, look at reconstructions of ancient buildings, admire multiple exhibits of amphora hall. DE Amphorenraum im Museum-Naturschutzgebiet «Tanais» Das archäologische Museum-Naturschutzgebiet „Tanais” —…
DetailsDE Zimmereinrichtung im Haus, in dem die Familie Tschechow wohnte t sich der Laden des Schriftstellervaters befand.
DE Tschechow-Denkmal in Taganrog. Bildhauer I. M. Rukawischnikow (1960)
EN Chekhov’s places in Taganrog – is the house where great dramatist, outstanding thinker and humanist was born; the grocery where his father was engaged in commerce, classical gymnasium where youth of A. P. Chekhov passed, the literary museum… The main thing is the quiet streets of the town, where even nowadays you can find…
DetailsDE Das Arbeitszimmer von M.A. Scholochow. in dem Kapitel des Romans „Der stille Don” – haften wurden.
DetailsDE Das Haus im Bauerngut Kruzhilinskij, in dem M.A. Scholochow 1905 geboren wurde
DE Die Bronzebüste von M.A. Scholochow in der Kosakensiedlung Weschenskaja
EN M.A. Sholokhov’s house-estate in Cossack stanitsa Vyeshenskaya The museum of Nobel Prize winner, classic of world literature, the author of works which had determined com-patriot generations’ outlook — is a kind of “The Novel under the open air”. State museum preserve of M.A. Sholokhov is included in State book of most valuable objects of…
DetailsEN Architectural look of Taganrog is very expressive: proportion and clarity of classicism are harmonically combined with elegance of Baroque and Empire style. Market rows (1841) N.D. Alferaki place. Architect A.I. Stakensneider (1848) DE Die architektonische Gestalt von Taganrog ist sehr ausdrucksvoll: der Einklang und die Klarheit des Klassizismus und die Eleganz des Barock- und…
DetailsEN Bright ensemble of architectural monuments of Rostov-on-Don belongs to 2nd part of XIX — beginning of XX century. The Nativity of Holy Virgin Cathedral. Architect K. A. Ton (1860) State Duma. Architect A. N. Pomerantsev (1899). DE Das hervorragende Architekturensemble von Rostow am Don entstammt der 2. Hälfte des 19. Jh. — Anfang des…
DetailsThe features of the beautiful city Novocherkassk, which was primordially built as Don Cossack capital are clarity of capital, scale and harmony of proportions, grandiosity of streets and squares. “The second sun of the Don” — The Ascension Cathedral of the Army in Novocherkassk is the third biggest temple in Russia. Architect A. A.Yashenko (1891-1905)…
DetailsEN Constellation of architectural memorials of XVII-XVIII — is the pride of Cossack village Starocherkasskaya. The main of them is Voyskovoy Voskresenskiy cathedral with A-type bell (The Host Cathedral in The Name of Resurrection of Christ) — the first temple erected on the Don (XVII-XVIII). There are the unique carved iconostas. bronze church-chandeliers, choirs with…
DetailsEN High business activity and developed partner relationships with great number of world countries made Rostov region one of the most attractive tourist’s areas In the south part of the Russia. For the Russian and foreign travelers Rostov is interesting by its unique cultural-historical heritage, which reflected antiquity, the Middle Ages and the main periods…
DetailsTо get acquainted with domestic art craft more closely it is possible to go to one of the nearest towns of the province: Semenov (65 km from N.Novgorod), Pavlovo (80 km), Gorodets (50 km), Arzamas (100 km). It is a great pleasure to voyage by motor ship down the Volga and view Makariev nunnery. A…
DetailsT he guests of the city are also interested in historic architectural museum-reserve which is one of the best in Russia in richness of its funds; the art museum in which there are collected more than thousand pictures of outstanding Russian artists of XVIII-XX centuries (I.Repin, K.Brullov, N.Kramskoy, A.Savrasov, I.Shishkin V.Vasnetsov, V.Serov, B.Kustodiev, N.Rerich, A.Platov…
DetailsTourists coming to Nizhny Novgorod are interested in it as a cultural center. There an several theaters in the city: a theatre of opera and ballet (which has been on tours to some cities in Europe) a drama theatre for young spectators, a comedy theatre, a puppet theatre (a participant of international competitions) and a…